MARY AL TERNA(メアリ・オル・ターナ)
2013年春夏コレクションよりスタートした、デザイナー 山鹿 竜輝(やまか りゅうき)による鞄・革小物ブランド。
A brand of bags and small leather goods by designer Ryuki Yamaga, launched in the 2013 Spring/Summer collection.
Focusing on "women's gestures" and incorporating rational and sophisticated design, the collection is composed in a profound tone, and the products have a transparency that comfortably assimilates with the clothes and the scene.
Using high quality leather and brass metal parts created by craftsmen's hand, and offers high quality products.
Flexible ideas without adherence create a part of everyday life for the modern woman to enjoy her femininity and sense of identity more.